The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food.
— Dean Ornish


  • 1-1 Coaching for Individuals

    My 1-1 coaching service is designed for individuals who are seeking community and connection, especially after the pandemic. I recognize that many people may feel a bit lonely and disconnected from others after social distancing and forced isolation. Our coaching sessions are tailored to help you build meaningful connections and friendships with like-minded individuals.

    As a certified VITA Coach, I will work with you to identify your interests, hobbies, and values, and then guide you through the process of finding your tribe of people. I provide practical tips and techniques for meeting new people, breaking the ice, and building lasting relationships. Our coaching sessions are designed to be fun, engaging, and interactive, so you can practice your social skills in a supportive environment. Whether you're looking for a new hobby buddy or a close-knit group of friends, my coaching service will help you find the community and connection you crave.

  • Community Event Scout

    This service is designed to help companies and brands align with community events that represent their values. I understand that it can be difficult for businesses to identify events that resonate with their brand image and mission.

    I take the time to get to know your brand and its values, and then use my extensive network of community contacts to find events that will connect you with your target audience. Whether you are looking to sponsor a local fundraiser, host a booth at a festival, or support a community initiative, I have the experience and expertise to help you find the right events for your brand. I believe that when businesses and communities work together, amazing things can happen, and I am committed to helping you build those strong, lasting relationships. So let me be your community event scout and help you find the perfect events to showcase your brand and make an elevated impact.

  • Community Manager

    My service is designed to help B2B, DTC & Web3 brands and businesses build and administer on various communication platforms, including Discord, Slack, Whatsapp, Circles, and more. My approach to community building involves consistent effort and time investment, to create spaces where members feel valued and heard. With my bespoke admin tools, I enable the creation of a social network around your brand, where members can connect with each other, share their thoughts and ideas, and discuss their shared interests.

    As a seasoned community manager, I work closely with my clients to develop customized strategies for fostering engagement, using various techniques such as live Q&A sessions, polls, surveys, and personalized communication. My focus is on creating a sense of belonging among members, establishing a positive brand reputation, and cultivating loyalty. Through my community management service, I aim to help businesses grow and succeed by facilitating positive brand recognition and engagement among members.

  • Connection Experience Designer

    My service offers to create bespoke human touch-point connections using experience design for creative brands and enterprise businesses. I believe that human connection is the heart and soul of any event, and I strive to create immersive experiences that will leave a lasting impression on your guests so they turn into loyal community members. I am skilled in crafting interactive and engaging experiences that will encourage attendees to connect with your brand and each other.

    I understand that the success of any event depends on the level of engagement and interaction between guests, and that's why I prioritize creating human touch-point connections that are meaningful, personal, and unforgettable. By providing your guests with a sense of belonging and a reason to connect with people around your value system, I can help you build a loyal following of advocates who will spread the word about your business far and wide. My personalized approach guarantees that every interactive touchpoint is customized to meet your specific needs and objectives, providing you with confidence that your company will standout amongst the rest.